Saturday, May 07, 2005


ctown2, originally uploaded by eastaltus.

Global Sketchcrawl #3 is set for May 21st. Sketchcrawlians share a complete day of drawing in a mad marathon across their respective landscapes meeting, swapping inspirations, sharing techniques and well, drawing. I participated in Sketchcrawl #2 right here in jolly old San Francisco. I had to go to work about half-way through (bummer) so I have made arrangements to not miss a minute of the next one. It was great to see a whole gaggle of artists, students and sketchers meet where the main influence is a passion for drawing! So if you are interested ( and you know you are) please meet up with a group in your area, or take your own marathon and share with the rest of us. Savor warm feelies that others across the globe are drawing with you.
These grabs are from the Chinatown portion of SC2.


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