Saturday, March 25, 2006

the pier

the pier, originally uploaded by eastaltus.

I dig my Fabriano sketchbook the most because I can sop the watercolor on and it'll just take it. This is a doodle I did when I started to thinkin' about doing this kinda stuff for a living. I am at a crossroads again and I need to take a risk. I used to be all bravado about risks until I actually had security to lose. How many of you have made the leap to a career you didn't have the paper background in? How many potholes did you hit, tickets did you take, metaphors did you create and sustain too long?
Happy endings?


Blogger warren said...


I have a paper background in what I do, but nobody cares. I've never been asked for it as a qualifier. It's all based on what you can do. So do it a lot and get out will get rejected, and have to work two part-time jobs for a while (Lord knows I did for, like, two - three er, four? years), but just be persistant. You do have bills to pay, but how you pay them is up to you.

It'll work. Eventually. Just meet the right folks somehow. It's easy to not be shy when you've nothing to lose (ie: do you really want to work at your day job for a decade?)And chances are, you won't be making more money than your day job right away (i certainly didn't), but it's a step. Just follow it with another step. You'll know it when you see it.

So far, so good, for me. I'm still waiting for the bottom to fall out, after 9 years or so.

11:39 AM  
Blogger ric carrasquillo said...


I was getting worried after I had asked for happy endings and didn't seem to be getting much.

'preciate it.

12:38 PM  

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